I made a ton of stuff at SFU that's been lost to time, I guess was too busy trying to keep up with school work to document anything.

I do remember this "Mirohot" hockey competition though. The assignment was to make a 2d simulation of airhockey with OpenGL, with a robotic agent acting as a player. The best demo would win some free videogames from EA.

I wasn't quite satisfied with the default red and blue boxes everyone else was doing (how boring), so I hooked it up to a 3d engine and added bullet physics. The puck left a light trail as it moved and all the models had envmaps. I was sure I was going to win.

On the day of the demo I tested the sim on my laptop, everything was good to go. When I plugged in the projector in the auditorium, fps dropped below 1. Even when the screen was closed, the laptop was trying to drive both screens at once. In the end I couldn't fix it and had to forfeit, was a bit salty for a few days.

I'm a big believer in cross-pollination of skills. Having a sense of presentation and visual design helped tremendously in everything I did at SFU.

If there's one thing I learned from my business courses, it's that people love physical models and props in presentations.

A laser projector built by me and Tristan in an embedded electronics course. Having a CNC was so convenient for making random small parts.

I wish there was a bit more practical focus in the ENSC program at SFU. One of the most interesting courses I took involved modulating a TV signal to appear on an analog oscilloscope, but that was the exception rather than the rule.

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